Divorcing parents often find child custody decisions among the most challenging of the entire process. You both want what’s best for your child, but you also want to ensure your child enjoys quality time with each parent. The skilled and compassionate legal team at Outhier & Caruthers PLLC understands how emotional child custody negotiations can be, which is why we’re committed to providing you with trusted and personalized guidance at every step of the divorce process.
Navigating Child Custody Matters in Oklahoma
There are several paths toward determining with whom the child will reside after the marriage ends. Parents going through a contentious divorce may need to make their cases before a judge, who will determine whether the child’s needs are best served by granting sole or joint custody to one or both parents. For divorcing couples willing to work together and negotiate a child custody agreement, mediation offers a supportive and collaborative environment in which a neutral third party can offer guidance as they work towards a common goal. If both parents agree on their child’s custody situation, the court will rarely intervene during this process.
Factors That Influence Child Custody
Oklahoma courts put the child’s best interests first. The judge will seek an arrangement that allows both parents the opportunity to enjoy a relationship with the child. Unless a parent has shown an unwillingness or inability to care for their child, the court will typically grant joint legal custody. Legal custody refers to the parent’s ability to make important decisions, like authorizing medical treatment, on behalf of their child. Physical custody refers to the parent’s ability to provide a safe and nurturing home environment for the child. When determining a physical custody arrangement, the court will consider several factors, including the physical and mental health of the parent, their ability to provide a safe and stable home for the child, the quality of the relationship between the child and each parent, any criminal records the parents have, and more.
Here to Support You and Your Child
The dedicated family law attorneys at Outhier & Caruthers PLLC are ready to help you establish a child custody arrangement that puts your child’s needs first. We encourage you to contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your child enjoy a bright and stable future.